Courage, passion, ethics, and resilience are inarguably components of confidence. While some are born with these comprising attributes, many others need the direction and encouragement of our teachers, our parents and our friends, who instill confidence. Improvisational comedy functions on a theory called “Yes, and,” where members of a troupe build off of one another when they’re on the stage. They have to embrace and escalate zany and uncanny ... Continue Reading »
Dare to be Extraordinary
A Vote For Integrity
Integrity is yet another attribute of extraordinary individuals. Integrity-abiding individuals prove they can be trusted because their inner values never waver, demonstrating that they're exemplary because of their unshakable ethics and honesty. Some go above and beyond to display their commitment to integrity, even when it's contrary to their own self-interest. For instance, Andy Roddick, the No. 1 seed at the Rome Masters in 2008, identified ... Continue Reading »
The Brilliance of Resilience
Want a challenge in steadfastness? Try being resilient. Naysayers may have frequently told you that the odds are against you or that your plans will never come to fruition. They've likely told you to play it safe and to steer clear of certain risk. However, extraordinary people understand how to ignore these voices and how to proclaim self-assigned success. While resilient individuals sometimes suffer disappointments, they rebound. They don't ... Continue Reading »
An Introduction to Courage
Courage isn't easily won, it's something that one has to fight for; it means coming face-to-face with things that are frightening, things that are outside of normality --and choosing to say yes. It's easy to feign bravery, but just as easily, we can curl into the fetal position like the cowardly lion from the Wizard of Oz. However, there are instances when our goals are tested, when people need us the most, and that's when we demonstrate unknown ... Continue Reading »
An Introduction to Passion
Passion is an attribute that's fastened to the tool belt of an extraordinary person. The drive, the interest, and stimulation are essential when building toward something great. When that interest and investment is to be directed toward work, success becomes inevitable. After all, truly extraordinary people are passionate about their work. It's that zeal and enthusiasm that inspires and motivates colleagues to perform better, to move beyond ... Continue Reading »
An Introduction to Extraordinary
Embracing your inherent "extraordinary" nature can be difficult. If it wasn't, there would be no conversations around the questioning of confidence and esteem, and there would be no short supply of brazen and bold individuals who are fearless and ready to do something that's outside of the realm of ordinary. The act of embracing “extraordinary,” daring oneself to be something or do something outside of one's comfort zone can be revolutionary, ... Continue Reading »