Want a challenge in steadfastness? Try being resilient.
Naysayers may have frequently told you that the odds are against you or that your plans will never come to fruition. They’ve likely told you to play it safe and to steer clear of certain risk. However, extraordinary people understand how to ignore these voices and how to proclaim self-assigned success. While resilient individuals sometimes suffer disappointments, they rebound. They don’t wallow in said failure, they pull themselves up by their bootstraps and return to the battle with raised fists.
All-time winning NFL coach Don Shula is a terrific example of resilience. He coached pro football for 30+ years and holds the record for most career wins. To date, he’s the only coach to have teams in six SuperBowls. Shula instituted a “24-hour rule,” a policy of looking forward instead of retreating from a loss…
Please read the rest of this piece on LinkedIn Pulse.
“An Introduction to Resilience” is the fourth post in a series published around the “Dare To Be Extraordinary” address, shared at the independently organized TED event, TEDx Adelphi University. The preceding pieces are “An Introduction to Extraordinary,” “An Introduction to Passion,” and “An Introduction to Courage.“
Christine Riordan, Ph.D. is the president of Adelphi University, and she’s renowned for her commitment to diversity, inclusion, leadership development, and team performance.
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